Tema: Re: Kaip isjungti Autoplay isoriniam hardui?
Autorius: vytjon
Data: 2008-03-23 20:31:45
Jonuco wrote:
> Dešiniu ant norimo hardo pasirink „Properties“, ten „AutoPlay“ kortelę, 
> „Select an action to perform“ burbulą, ir „Take no action“. Ir taip 
> pakartoti visiems hdd turinio tipams viršuje (Music files, Pictures, 
> Video files ir mixed content). Nebeturėtų iššokt autoplay. ;)

   Mixed content "Take no action" taip, kad atsimintų, padaryti nepavyks.

   Geriau susikurti ir paleisti tokio turinio .reg failą:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; default dword:00000145
;   0x1  Disables AutoPlay on drives of unknown type.
;   0x4  Disables AutoPlay on removable drives.
;   0x8  Disables AutoPlay on fixed drives.
;   0x10 Disables AutoPlay on network drives.
;   0x20 Disables AutoPlay on CD-ROM drives.
;   0x40 Disables AutoPlay on RAM drives.
;   0x80 Disables AutoPlay on drives of unknown type.
;   0xFF Disables AutoPlay on all types of drives.
; If you want to disable more than one type of drive, sum the hex values.
