Tema: Re: Kuo skiriasi vienas Crucial M4 nuo kito Crucial M4?
Autorius: Icetom
Data: 2012-09-22 12:52:16
>  Na tai Intel irgi "pakuotojas" - 330 serija su nuostabiuoju SandForce.

"Intel is also quick to point out that while other SF-2281 manufacturers can 
purchase the same Intel 25nm MLC NAND used on the 520, only Intel's drives 
get the absolute highest quality bins and only Intel knows how best to 
manage/interact with the NAND on a firmware level. While it's nearly 
impossible to prove most of this, the fact that we're still able to 
reproduce a BSOD on the latest publicly available SF-2281 firmware but not 
on the SF-2281 based Intel SSD 520 does say a lot about what you're paying 
for with this drive."


Mažesni pakuotojai tiesiog neturės tiek techninių resursų kiek gali sau 
leisti Intel ar koks Samsung.