Tema: Re: Win8 mato 3G modemus kaip Mass Storage
Autorius: RolF2
Data: 2013-08-23 14:07:31
The problem with most USB 3G modems is they have two modes. In one mode they 
are a USB flash drive and in the other mode they are a modem

"Vytook's" <NO-SPAM-vytautas59@inbox.lt> wrote in message 
> Bandziau tiek Huawei modema, tiek N8 modem mode, tas pats.
> Sakyciau jeigu devais menedžeryje butu klaustukas, tada reiketu
> tiesiog ieskoti draiveriu, o dabar kaip itikinti windoze, kad tai
> ne storidžas?
> --