Does ring telephone - allo, this signoras kind? This of Ernesto, [domoupravlyayushchiy] of your out-of-town residence. - Yes, Ernesto, this is I. Anything did happen? - I simply wanted to you to say that your parrot…. it died. - As it did die? My parrot? Prize-winner of international competitions? - Yes, signoras. - Features, I to it [ugrokhal] lots of money. Of what it did die? - It [sel] of rotten stuff, signoras born. - T[ukhlyatiny]? Who it did feed by rotten stuff? - No one, signoras. It itself pecked silent meat from the dead horse. - What horse? - Your Arab jumper, signoras it born. - As, my stallion is also dead? - Yes, signoras. It dragged cart with the water and it did not maintain. - You that, from the mind did descend? What cart with the water? - By which we put out fire, signoras. - Lord, fire? - Yes, signoras, in your house. Curtain caught fire from the spark plug. - What feature!!! You want to say that my estate is burnt-out from one candle? - Yes, signoras. - Why you did light up candle, Ernesto? - For the burials, the signoras. - What of burials???!!!! - Your wife, signoras. It is alien late at night, I thought that these are pilferers and it struck by your its new club for the golf Of taylor Of made Of super Of quad 460. ......... Long silence .......... - Ernesto, if you broke this club, to you complete [pizdets]!!!!!