On 2014-01-12 23:53, Dainiushas wrote: > http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/12503/can-wiped-ssd-data-be-recovered > Paskaičiau šitą reikalą: The most reliable way to securely erase an entire SSD is to use the ATA Secure Erase command. However, this is not foolproof. The FAST paper found that most SSDs implement this correctly, but not all. In particular, 8 of the 12 SSDs they studied supported ATA Secure Erase, and 4 did not. Of the 8 that did support it, 3 had a buggy implementation. 1 buggy implementation was really bad: it reported success, but actually left the data laying around. This is atrociously bad, because there is no way that software could detect the failure to erase. 2 buggy implementations failed and left old data laying around (under certain conditions), but at least they reported failure, so if the software that sends the ATA Secure Erase command checks the result code, at least the failure could be detected. Gaila, jog tas kas rašė, nepatikslino, iš kur info ėmė ir kaip testavo, ir ypač gaila, jog nepavardino tuos nekorektiškai secure erase atliekančius SSD modelius. Kadangi info nekonkreti ir nėra kaip patikrinti, tai galima dėl viso pikto įsidėmėti, jog secure erase gali ant kai kurių SSD būti fake ir todėl visada patikrinti ar tikrai pavyko. Bet aš asmeniškai tokio SSD modelio rankose neturėjau, tad negaliu nei patvirtinti, nei paneigti šitos info. Bet, principe, esmės tai nekeičia - jei korektiškai atlieki secure erase, tada "saugiau" jau gali būti tik SSD pulverizacija :]