Tema: Re: Intel Celeron G1840 ir HTPC?
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2014-06-03 11:03:24
>> 23.xxx atrodo geriau nei buvo, man atrodo pakankamai jau tikslus, Icetom'as vienareiksmiskai tik uz Radeon (t.y. jie vis dar 
>> idealiau).
> Aga, turiu didelį įtarimą, kad su Haswell matytųsi patrūkčiojimai panning vaizdo scenose. Šiaip aš už vartotojo pasirinkimo 
> laisvę, bet kiek neužmeti akį į HTPC testukus, tiek Intel, tiek Nvidia vis dar neišsprendžia iki galo šio reikalo :(.

Rysium su tuo, kad paciam man tas HTPC nelabai reikalingas ir visi tie ultra-high mazai groja..

That CPU (G1820) only has a base video frequency of 350mhz (Intel HD graphics) and a max of 1.05ghz,
It does not support quick sync video, or 3D frame packing. It won't decode and pass an MVC 3D signal from an ISO, or do full 3D SBS 
or TPT.

MVC is the preferred format I think, since it's codec only displays the changes from one frame for the second eye.
Side by side or Top bottom Top is two entire frames, so it takes up more space and requires
double resolution (3840x2160) for full 3D. I do not think Pentium or Celeron Intel can handle this.



If you want 3D capability, then the i3 is needed. For simple 2D playback, the Celeron is sufficient. I have yet to see definitive 
data regarding Hi10p, and depending on what you expect for LAV and 4K...read this article:


Yes, Intel HD Graphics on the Pentium and Celeron are capable of 4K resolution. Video playplack of 4K material is a different story.

See this thread:

and this one:



BTW, using - the last almost 2 months - a budget Pentium Haswell processor, I have to say that I will probably never go back to a 
fast Quad core CPU + a dedicated GPU.

Because 2D performance of this 50€ chip is equal to a 150€ dedicated GPU and the Video processor performance of QuickSync is the 
fastest in the world and fully featured.

The dual-core CPU of the very advanced Haswell architecture, is more than enough for anything but 3D games or professional 
applications of course (like Video/3D editing etc)

And this 50€ chip can decode 4K H.264 up to 80fps in HW!

Besides 3D gaming, the average user and the HTPC user is completely covered by a fused CPU-GPU-VPU processor like Pentium.


>> Itariu, kad info neitin lengvai surandama.. tavo paties pabandymai ko gero gan praverstu..
> Jei bat0nas turi noro ir laiko, galėčiau padėti kurį vakarą "Team viewer" pagalba patikrinti, kaip ten ką daro tas Celerons. Jo 
> Panasonic'as turi visas galimybės korektiškai atkurti visų tipų kadrų kaitas.

Jei uzsiimsit - prainformuokit kokie ten reikalai su tais Intel HD..
Nors HTPC rinkoj gal labiau tinkamas AMD AM1, taciau siaip
S115* man universalesnis hw atrodo, tai as ji kaip ir labiau megstu..