Tema: Re: Neina įsirašyt windows 8.1 meta lentele
Autorius: Nerijus
Data: 2014-09-02 18:55:41

The reason why this thread was moved is purely administrative.
We try to get threads to the proper specialty forum where experts in a 
thread's specific technology base will be more likely to see it.

In regards to the Stop Code:  It is a stop 0x5C which indicates 

Following is an MSDN article on this stop code:

Let's make an attempt at booting into safe mode:

Let us know if you can get into safe mode.

If we are unable to get into safe mode, then we will need to boot to WinRE 
and run chkdsk from a

command prompt:

1.     Tap F8 during startup to get to the Startup Options menu.

2.     Choose Repair Windows.

3.     After choosing the location and logging on, click on the Command 
Prompt option.

4.     Type the following command followed by the ENTER key:


5.     Let CHKDSK run to completion. It may take some time so be patient and 
do not restart the computer while it is running.

6.     When CHKDSK has completed, restart and see if we can get into normal 
and/or safe mode.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Best regards,


"Ramaas" <ner@mei.lo> wrote in message 
> Labas,
> C windows 7 o į D windows 8.1 norių įsirašyt.
> Ir čia prasidėjo keisti dalykai.
> Be laukiant kol windows tęs rašyma bac ir lentelę metą:
> Your PC needs to restart.
> Please hold down the power button.
> Error code: 0x0000005c
> Parametrs:
> 0x0000000000008200
> 0x0000000000000002
> 0xFFFFF8017A082070
> 0x00000000000000E0
> =======================
> kas tai yra? gal kas žinot?
> buvo vaizduškė kvadratus mečius bet atgaivinta
> ir veikia iki šiol, su vaizduškę tikiuos nesusiję čia.
> Peržiūrėjau bios, tikrinau atminti ją kaitaliodamas nieko.
> Vis tiek metą lentelę.
> Kompas acmes gamybos, windows 7 veikia gerai o va prašė windows 8.1
> įrašyt ir nesigauna.
> Dėkui
> R.