Tema: Re: Reikia 24" monitoriaus darbui
Autorius: Rimas
Data: 2014-12-18 12:54:02
On 2014-12-18 12:29, md wrote:
>Kaiptik dabar renkuosi tarp u2412m ir u2415. Tai, ka apie pastaraji 
>raso, man patinka:
>" The light AG coating of the new AH-IPS panel is certainly welcome, and 
>a very positive change from the older grainy and 'dirty' appearance of 
>older IPS AG coatings, including that used on the U2412M model. The wide 
>viewing angles provided by the IPS panel technology on both horizontal 
>and vertical planes, helps minimize on-screen colour shift when viewed 
>from different angles. The default setup of the screen was good in all 
>regards thanks to the pretty decent factory calibration, and we were 
>also pleased with the strong 1000:1+ contrast ratio.
>The brightness range of the screen was also very good, with the ability 
>to offer a luminance between 335 and 27 cd/m2. This should mean the 
>screen is perfectly useable in a wide variety of ambient light 
>conditions, including darkened rooms. A setting of ~36 in the OSD 
>brightness control should return you a luminance close to 120 cd/m2 out 
>of the box. If you switch to the 'custom color' mode and want to try our 
>calibrated settings then the brightness setting is detailed in that 
>section of the review. On another positive note, the brightness 
>regulation is controlled without the need for the use of the now 
>infamous Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM), and so those who suffer from eye 
>fatigue or headaches associated with flickering backlights need not 
>worry. The older U2412M model did use PWM (as did nearly all screens for 
>a long time), so this is another significant change with the new model.
>There was no audible noise or buzzing from the screen, even when 
>specifically looking for it using test images with a large amount of 
>text at once. The screen also remains cool even during prolonged use."

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