2015-07-01 17:13, Paul_ rašė: > Laba diena, > > Susiduriau su idomiu atveju, kai lazerinis Kyocera FS-3750 spausdina > viena PDF formate lapa 2min. Jeigu tame paciame PDF formate butu 10 > lapu, tai spausdintu 20min. Suprasciau, kad ir kitus PDF dokumentus > spausdintu po 2min, bet siuo atveju ilgai spausdina tik tuos kuriuose > yra bar kodai. > > Gal turite minciu kaip butu galima pagreitinti spausdinimo procesa? ar tai vienintelis failas, ar pastovi problema? galbūt galima perstumti per kitą PDF printerį, kuris sutvarkytų failo struktūrą. > P.S. > Dabar ijungtas per LAN. Pajungus per LPT jungti greitis nepagereja. > Operacine sistema irgi neturi itakos ar butu WinXP ar linux. > Atsidariau viena PDF properties kuri ilgai spausdina, tai producer: > iText 2.1.3 (by lowagie.com), Format: PDF-1.4 iText yra PDF kūrimo / vartymo biblioteka. Paskutinė jos versija apie 5.5. Galbūt tame problema? Ir beje, Why shouldn't I use itext 2.x (or iTextSharp 4.x)? We strongly discourage the use of versions prior to iText(Sharp) 5 for both technical as well as legal reasons. TECHNICAL REASONS: the MPL/LGPL version of iText(Sharp) dates from July 2009. Many bugs have been solved in the meantime. For instance: we fixed a bug that was hard to reproduce, and that made a row in a table disappear if specific conditions were met. These conditions occurred in only a very small fraction of the total number of rows added to tables. Also: the spec has evolved. For instance: digital signatures in the pre-5 versions of iText are either forbidden (in the PAdES standard) or will be deprecated (in ISO-32000-2). Suppose you still use those old signatures, then you automatically exclude yourself from extending the life of the signed document for instance by using LTV (PAdES part 4). LEGAL REASONS: Older versions of iText under the free model may contain code fragments that infringe other people's copyrights or intellectual property rights. iText Software Group has done a significant investment in identifying and eliminating all those cases as of version 5.1. which is one of the reasons why it is now a paying commercial version. We do not recommend the use of versions prior to 5.1 for commercial projects as your company could be liable for copyright or IP infringements. -- ejs