Tema: Re: Windows 10 compatibility with some ASUS laptops
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2015-09-21 16:11:45
> Švaraus instalo metu, vos pradėjus krauti nb iš Win10 boot media, 
> gaunamas BSOD "system_thread_exception_not_handled". Problema, 
> akivaizdu, yra ASUS bios'uose, nes paguglinus atradau visą virtinę ASUS 
> notebukų serijų, kurių savininkai "mėgaujasi" identiškais BSOD. Aš 
> eksperimentavau su F3Ja.
> Įdomiausia, jog visi šitie notebukai puikiai dirba su Win 8, o problema 
> pasireiškia su win 8.1 ir win 10.

Kiek bitu? koks CPU (Core Duo yra ir nepalaikanciu 64bit).

pirmas prikolas:

Upgrade Assistant is done, you’ll know if Windows 8.1 will run on your PC. 
You’ll also get a free compatibility report <...>

kitas prikolas:

Due to changes to improve its "security effectiveness", the 64-bit version of Windows 8.1 no longer supports processors which do not implement the double-width compare and exchange (CMPXCHG16B) CPU instruction (which the installer reports as a lack of support for "CompareExchange128"). A Microsoft spokesperson noted that the change primarily affects systems with older AMD 64-bit processors, and that "the number of affected processors are extremely small, since this instruction has been supported for greater than 10 years." Even if the system does have an otherwise compatible processor, the motherboard must also support the instruction—which can also cause the problem to occur on Intel processors in select cases. These changes do not affect the 32-bit version of Windows 8.1.[79][80]


Double-wide compare-and-swap operates on two adjacent pointer-sized locations (or, equivalently, one location twice as big as a pointer). On later x86 processors, the CMPXCHG8B and CMPXCHG16B instructions[14] serve this role, although early 64-bit AMD CPUs did not support CMPXCHG16B (modern AMD CPUs do). Some Intel motherboards from the Core 2 era also hamper its use, even though the processors support it. These issues came into the spotlight at the launch of Windows 8.1 because it required hardware support for CMPXCHG16B.[15]