Tema: Re: Req: SSD 120-256GB
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2016-01-26 18:44:49
> Labai patiko ju patikimumas - NAND Endurance - 641 TB, 
> kai tuo tarpu kitu - vos ~72 TB.

tik ar plikai deklaruojamu NAND Endurance skaiciuku galima visiskai nusakyti patikimuma?

o kalbant apie SSD .. vargu ar labai dziugina "SandForce" ir "Kingston" (ypac V300, kuri sita Furija ir keicia?)

Excluding the recent V300 drama from the <...>
<..> we can see the new Fury series shares a lot in common with the older V300 <..>
As most enthusiasts are well aware of now, the V300 started to use terribly inefficient  <..>