Tema: Re: Ar atsinaujinot BIOSus?
Autorius: mirkt
Data: 2017-07-01 00:19:44
2017.06.30 17:42, YZF rašė:
> Ar tikrai ne? Kaip ir minejau, jeigu kazkoks vartotojas parase kad 'gali
> paveikti visas OS' tai kolkas yra tik jo nuomone. Panasu kad. Nes
> oficialus intelio atsakymas kad tai yra tik su Linuxu...nezinau niunansu
> bet kolkas labiau linkes tiketi Inteliu o ne kazkokiu vartotoju.

Nežinau, kur tu randi oficialų intelio atsakymą..

Errata: SKZ7/SKW144/SKL150/SKX150/SKZ7/KBL095/KBW095
"Short Loops Which Use AH/BH/CH/DH Registers May Cause Unpredictable
System Behaviour."

Under complex micro
-architectural conditions, short loops of less than 64
instructions that use AH, BH, CH or DH registers as well as their
corresponding wider register (
e.g. RAX, EAX or AX for AH) may cause
unpredictable system behavior. This can only happen when both logical
processors on the same physical processor are active.


> Kad Lenovo isleido tai valio, Asus dar neisleido. Beje 'security fix'
> labai abstraktu, ar cia sitas fixas ar visai kitas?

tiksliai negaliu atsakyti, ar changelog'e jie turėjo mintyje šitą juoką
ar dar kokį kitą, bet su update'u tikrai atėjo naujausias skylake cpu
microcode (E9 -> BA), kuris, beje, yra 2017-04 išleistas, bet konkrečiu
atveju „Lenovo“ jį įtraukė dabar, iš karto po paviešinimo.

Dar „kažkokių vartotojų“ paistalų:

The issue was seen as soon as early 2016 by a compiler team. They
weren't able to identify that it was a product bug until 2017 some time.
They contacted intel about it sometime in 2016 initially, as they could
not explain what they were seeing. Intel never acknowledged the issue to
them, but quietly patched it in April. The compiler team found on their
own that the microCode patch issued in April fixed their issue.

The problem can be easily reproduced at will on unpatched (non-updated
microcode), hyperthreading enabled systems.