> https://www.tomshardware.co.uk/14nm-processor-intel-shortage-9000-series,news-59112.html Thx, .. dabar del sito: >> PS. i*-9***K speja, kad 2018.10.01 - ten kur apie 2018.09.14 neatspejo :D.. http://news.mydrivers.com/1/592/592851.htm In addition, the latest news said that the Z390 chipset and motherboard will be officially released on October 8, and the Core 9000 series processors are expected to debut. + https://www.notebookcheck.net/9th-gen-Intel-processors-launching-October-1.322924.0.html https://www.notebookcheck.net/Gigabyte-AORUS-teases-new-motherboard-for-October-8-Z390-launch-in-October.333078.0.html + However, while Z390 and the 9th generation might be launching in October, according to another rumor, the 9900k specifically will not be seen until 2019. = matyt lauksim artimiausiu Velyku :)