Tema: Re: ssd uzpildymo testas
Autorius: fenix
Data: 2018-10-25 23:01:05
2018.10.25 21:30, tranzoo rašė:
> gal kas prisimenat, nes ant smugio nerandu....
> buvot cia kazkas imete, kaip priklauso ssd uzpildymas ir jo gyvenimo
> laikas.

esu toki mates! kazkaip ten palikus virs 20% viskas shokolade ir
pagerejimo beveik nera, be to, reiketu issiaiskint kiek yra factory
overprovisioning: ant enterprise disku tai buna padaryta defaut


Because of the blocks of data constantly being moved to free space, SSDs
wear out faster the less free space they have available. Leaving at
least 10-20% free space on an SSD will significantly increase the life
expectancy over a full drive.

Keeping open free space, known as over provisioning, is accomplished in
the hardware of some drives by including free cells that cannot be
accessed by the user.

Other drives use software to allow users to allocate free space for over
provisioning by leaving part of the drive unformatted. The Samsung
Magician application is a good example of a software leaving 10% of the
SSD drive unallocated to extend the life of the SSD.

The endurance of an SSD increases as the storage space of the drive
increases. To get the maximum life from your SSD, the best rule of thumb
is to buy the largest capacity drive you can afford and keep as much
free space on the drive as possible.