Tai va, nupirkau 970 EVO, o jis neina pilnu greičiu, nors, tiesą sakant, to greičio ir taip užtektinai. 2018-11-02 07:05, MRT rašė: >>> Nieko aš neišspausiu - pralaidumas tas pats, ar x2, ar x4, bent jau taip >>> SiSoft rodo, pridedu screen shot. >> >> ne taip supranti.. butu nelogiska.. vienos PCIe 3.0 linijos >> pralaidumas yra 8Gbps.. >> kai naudoja 2lanes - 2*8000/8/130*128 = ~1969MB/s, kai 4lanes - ~3938MB/s >> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCI_Express#History_and_revisions > > PS. > https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Hardware-and-Upgrade-Questions/HP-Probook-450-G5-2rs03ea-M2-slot-availability/m-p/6645414/highlight/true#M451549 > > > You must notice that the M.2 slot in 450 g5 is nvme pcie gen3 x2. So if > you have an ssd > like nvme pcie gen3 x4 which are fastest one in the market, it will work > with the half speed. > >