Tema: Re: Microsoft jau sabotuoja Win7 su Haswell CPU?
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2019-03-14 21:32:47
> WUFUC gal reiks sudėti, bet tiesiog nustebino, nes šitas CPU dar kaip ir neturėjo patekti prie "nesuportinamų".

tai tik pacituosiu ta WUFUC(k):

This is essentially a big middle finger to anyone who decides to not 
"upgrade" to Windows 10, and it is especially unfortunate considering 
the extended support periods for Windows 7 and 8.1 won't be ending until 
January 4, 2020 and January 10, 2023 respectively.

Some people with older Intel and AMD processors are also affected! I've 
received user reports of the following CPUs all being blocked from 
receiving updates:

Intel Atom Z530
Intel Atom D525
Intel Core i5-M 560
Intel Core i5-4300M
Intel Core i7-4930K
Intel Pentium B940
AMD FX-6300
AMD FX-8350
AMD Turion 64 Mobile Technology ML-34