Nors ir tv full hd, naudoju 1920x1080 rezoliucija tik ziurint filmus, bei zaidziant zaidimus. siaip ineto/kompo narsymui mazinu iki 1280x768 (kazkas panasaus). Susiprogramaves hot key. Naudoju Windows Vista Ultimate x64. (zmonos ismeros 90x60x90 :D ) P.S. gal pas kitus kaip gudriau sugalvota. Darenas "Tomas J." <> wrote in message news:gea4o8$jen$ > Tu geriau pasakyk kokie sriftu dydziai ziurint i TV is 5 metru ant 42" TV > uzstayti kad iziureti eitu ka nors, bo jau nusibodo eksperimentuoti :) > > "Darenas" <> wrote in message > news:ge90nu$on8$ >> Tagi, pas mane: >> Pele kaip ir raso tiesa trumpiau dirba nei klaviatura. >> jei daviklis padetas staciai (kaip ir turi buti) atstumas: >> klava- max 2,5m >> pele - max 2m >> paguldziau davikli ant sono: >> Klava- ~5m >> pele - 4.5m >> per nedideli kambari sakyciau uztektinai, kita vertus jei monitorius, o ne >> televizorius, is 5m nieko nematysi :) (pas mane tv) >> >> P.S. + kadangi daviklis ant ~1.5m laido- galima siuos atstumus dar >> padidinti apie 1m. >> >> Idomu buvo suzinoti apie kitu exp. >> >> Darenas >> >> "Tomas J." <> wrote in message >> news:ge7g5f$m3q$ >>> Strengths: Keyboard is very nice. The keys are not mushy and have just >>> the >>> right tension for some speed typing. The keyboard also has a range of >>> about >>> 30' as it should. >>> Weaknesses: The mouse has a range of only 4'. The whole purpose of my >>> buying >>> a wireless keyboard and mouse was to be able to sit back on my couch >>> which >>> is about 10'away-which means I need a range of at least 15' >>> Summary: Originally the mouse didn't work at all correctly at any range. >>> I >>> thought maybe it was the batteries so I put some new ones in with no >>> improvement. I installed the software and it downloaded an update. This >>> made >>> the mouse work all right within a range of 4' but will not work at all >>> past >>> that. So, I had to return the set. I've read other reviews that lead me >>> to >>> believe that the mouse in every set has a short range such as this. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> "Darenas" <> wrote in message >>> news:ge729c$2m8$ >>>> Sveiki, >>>>,en >>>> >>>> kas turite Cordless Desktop Wave klaviatura su pele, kokiu max atstumu >>>> nuo >>>> imtuvo pas jus ji veikia be klaidu/"striginejimu". >>>> >>>> Aciu atsakiusiems. >>>> >>>> Darenas >>> >>> >>> > >