Tema: Re: CPU Lightroom/PS
Autorius: random@w
Data: 2008-11-24 13:31:15
ar tiesa, kad:

And finally, P43 is the Low-End chipset in the series -- the same PCI 
Express 2.0 x16 graphics interface as in P45, but it cannot be split 
into two ports for CrossFire
In fact, this is the only difference between P43 and P45.

taigi nera prasmes imt p45 jei tik viena grafine korta desiu?

AS wrote:
> "random@w" <randomtrinam@randomtrinam.lt> wrote in message 
> news:gge1pb$sa$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> realiai verta i ta DDR3 ziuret ar uzteks ir DDR2?
>> nes visi kiti su n+k PCI-E man nlb aktualu
> Realiam gyvenime kazin ar bus juntamas skirtumas, tad lieka tik kiti 
> faktoriai renkantis. 