Tema: Re: Asuso 6 trumpi bioso signalai
Autorius: Vytooks
Data: 2008-11-26 10:51:32
Nors patarime rašo išiminėti visas plokštes po vieną išskyrus VGA, butent 
video ištraukimas dave rezultatų. Ten matyt kažkas su kontaktais, nes pirmą 
karta ištraukus / ikišus pasikrove, bet po tam tikro laiko nulužo. Vieną 
karta ijungus visai be kortos signalo nebuvo, kita karta buvo. Trečia kartą 
ikišus korta viskas veikia.

> Panasu, kad ten AMI Bios'as
> http://www.ami.com/support/doc/AMIBIOS8_Checkpoint_and_Beep_Code_List_PUB.pdf
> Cia raso apie 6 signalus :
>      Fatal error indicating a serious problem with the system. Consult 
> your system manufacturer. Before declaring the motherboard beyond all 
> hope, eliminate the possibility of interference by a malfunctioning add-in 
> card. Remove all expansion cards except the video adapter.
>        a.. • If beep codes are generated when all other expansion cards 
> are absent, consult your system manufacturer’s technical support.
>        b.. • If beep codes are not generated when all other expansion 
> cards are absent, one of the add-in cards is causing the malfunction. 
> Insert the cards back into the system one at a time until the problem 
> happens again. This will reveal the malfunctioning card.

>> modelis P4P800 SE, supporte per daug infos, reikia laiko surasti.
>> Gal kas greičiau pasakys