Tema: Re: Pastebejimas apie corsair vx450w
Autorius: accu
Data: 2008-11-29 14:50:42
HX450 tas reikalas kiek gudriau padarytas, ne pagal apkrovą gainioja rpm'us, bet pagal temperatūra.

<...> Ultra-quiet 120mm double ball-bearing fan delivers excellent airflow at an exceptionally low noise level by varying the RPM in response to temperature.

Ir dar PSU tema atkreipiau dėmesį... Lian Li, gal ir dar kas realizuoja tokę feature'a, kad išjungus kompą maitblokio ventiliatorius dar pora minučių aktyvus :)

<...> At the back there's the usual honeycomb grille as well as a large on-off button, and on the side are two stickers informing of RoHS compliance and Lian Li's fan delay-off function. This keeps the PSU fan running for two minutes after the system is powered off in order to give the hot components an additional cool down that apparently extends their lives.


"Zyza" <maskatuoklis@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:ggrcf6$u26$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Na, visgi ner jis toks tylus ant didesniu apsuku ;) Pasileidus stalkeri sriubtelejo biski daugiau galios videske (speju) ir jau isgirdau ne itin ausiai malonu garsa. Pagal http://www.silentpcreview.com/article751-page5.html mp3 speju, kad maitblokis pasieke 350W apkrova. Dabar bandau skaiciuot kas cia pas mane tiek ryja vatu, bet jauciu kokiu matuokliu reiktu realiai pamatuot...