Tema: Re: PC-4200 ar PC-4300
Autorius: Opacity
Data: 2009-01-02 22:50:07
Wikipedija, aishku nera siaubingai patikimas informacijos shaltinis, bet 
anyway, citata ish ten:

`...Some manufacturers label their DDR2 modules as PC2-4300 instead of 
PC2-4200, PC2-5400 instead of PC2-5300, and PC2-8600 instead of PC2-8500. At 
least one manufacturer has reported this reflects successful testing at a 
higher-than standard data rate,[2] whilst others simply use the alternate 
rounding as the name, as described above...`


"Shlipsas" <arunas@TRINTIsaugus-greitis.lt> wrote in message 
> Tai chia dvi diagnostikos programos nesusishneka? Nu tada negerai...

> "Core" <caban@one.lt> wrote in message

>> 42 nebuvo
>> Pas tave 43