Tema: Re: HDD jumper klausimas
Autorius: saimhe
Data: 2009-02-11 01:45:06
> Pakomentuokitekas per dalykas yra PM2

O kiba googlis nekomentuoja? Elementariai "western digital pm2"

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080408092023AACZZCZ :

the power management 2 jumper. This allows the disk to power up in
standby mode. However, this is usually only set for servers or
workstations that have multiple hard disks so that only the boot
disks are active during bootup. This reduces the load on the power
supply by controlling the spin-up of the non-primary disks. It's
basically a power saving feature.

Ir apskritai ne tą dokumentaciją vartai. Oficialiai pagal
http://www.wdc.com/en/library/sata/2779-001006.pdf :

PM2 Mode – To designate the drive as power-up in standby (power
management 2 or PM2) enabled, install the jumper shunt on pins 3
and 4. The mode enables controlled spinup, mainly used for server/
workstation environments operating in multiple drive configurations.

IMPORTANT: PM2 mode requires a compatible BIOS that supports this
feature. If PM2 is enabled and not supported by BIOS, the drive will
not spin up and therefore will not be detected by the system.
