Tema: Re: Netbukas ant batareikų pigiau grybo
Autorius: Vytooks
Data: 2009-06-17 09:17:16
Ant bajerio nusiunčiau price request'a. Karoče, svajuko dramblionės:

NorhTec Price Request : LT02-4   | Laptop Edubook CPU 1 Ghz 1GB Ram (Power 
cord, SD, Wifi, Batteries) -QTY- 1 = $239.95

Shipping cost for 1 unit to Lithuania = $98.00

We have pre-production Edubooks available. These are not production units 
but they are very good to show potential dealers and partners. The 
production units will be available August.  The preroduction units have the 
following issues:

1. runs hot
2. Will run Adobe Flash 9 but not 10
3. Will run Skype 3 but nor 4
4. Microphone can have feedback
5. Two soft spots on the case

We are sending out some preproduction units with battery, SD loaded with XP 
Education or Ubuntu, 512 MB RAM but no WIFI for $150.00.
The final units will ship in August and you can place an order now.  We 
suggest ordering the 512 MB version as this is the optimum configuration. 
The price is $199.95.