Tema: Re: P*zdinti laptopai
Autorius: Dainiushas
Data: 2009-08-17 18:08:39
Tracking and Recovery software agent
and a persistence module
embedded in the BIOS. This allows the software agent to survive
operating system re-installations, hard drive
reformats and even hard drive replacements

tikrai juokinga?


"KEdas" <news@[[trinti]]katalogai.net> wrote in message 
> vytjon rašė:
>> The service is enabled by a *software based tool* for computer security 
>> and tracking, and a monitoring server.
> Juokinga „apsauga“, nes veikia tik perinstaliavus iš gamintojo CD.
> Tokia pat „apsauga“ yra ir su DynDNS, tik kad už dyką. :)