ciitata ish: *** WORKAROUND FOUND *** There's a way you can configure the NVidia driver (prior to installing it) to override/ignore that it 'discovers' an HDMI connection, and thus NOT send the digital audio signal through the DVI connector (obviously requires that you can and DO use an external analog audio cable). This solves the problem for those of us with HDTV's that auto-sense HDMI/analog audio (mine's an Olevia 237T) and have nVidia graphics (mine's an HTPC based on a 7100/630i motherboard w/integrated graphics). I found this originally at - although it was being used for a different purpose - but I can certainly vouch that it works! Here are the steps in full (rewritten by me)... You need to have your PC hooked up to your TV, so the EDID discoverer can get your display's ID code: 1. Get Phoenix EDID Designer, (, unzip and run the exe (no install reqd) 2. Click Tools->Extract registry EDID, then double click the line for your TV/monitor in the popup 3. Click Tools->Byte viewer, and note down the values in row 00, columns 08-0B (4 bytes) 4. Start the installation of the latest Nvidia drivers and cancel out once the files are extracted 6. Open the file "nv_disp.inf" in a text editor. By default for the current drivers this is in C:\NVIDIA\...\169.21 7. Scroll down to the section [nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings], add the following line there, replacing the "XX" values below with the 4 values noted in step 3: HKR,, OverrideEdidFlags0, %REG_BINARY%, XX,XX,XX,XX,00,00,FF,FF,04,00,00,00,7E,01,00 (In my case the TV code was SYN 0043, the four values being: 4F,2E,43,00 ) 4. Uninstall your current drivers and reboot 5. Install the modified drivers by running the previously extracted setup.exe. By default for the current drivers, this is in C:\NVIDIA\...\169.21. You'll get a warning about the driver not being signed because of the modified inf. Just press OK. Reboot, and you should have GLORIOUS AUDIO!!! liaudis sako, kad padeda, mano atveju - xp neturi [nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings] eilutes - zhiurejau vistos draivus - turi:). Ka padariau ash - visu pirma reikia sujungt spdif (nuo kortos i motina - mano motina turi dievishka sprendima - spdif'as tiesiai po pci-e.. kas gal yra gerai jei turi maha korta - jei turi su baisiniu aushinimu - norint ijungt, ishjung, perjungt reikia traukinet nafyk korta:). Butinai reikia but suinstaliavus nvidia audio had drivers ir/ar realtek hddarivus (jei realteko korta) - jei turi gygabyte'o garso korta - paskui tereikia triju paspaudimu (o ne 5 val;) pixa pridedu.. ir valio vazhiuoja garsas tiesiai per hdmi - nereikia papildomo garso shaltinio =)