Tema: Re: HDD beda
Autorius: MaK
Data: 2009-09-18 23:15:38
duomenys paseki is xp?


The backup copy of the NTFS boot sector which was saved in the middle of the 
volume, cannot be written.

User Action:

Back up all files and reformat the volume. If possible, repartition or 
replace the disk

"Zyza" <maskatuoklis@hotmail.com> wrote in message 
> WinXP. O siaip ieskau priezasciu kodel 2 particiju niekaip nepripazista 
> svariai suinstaliuoti Windows 7 (dualboot dabar), nors realiai nei vienas 
> rimtesnis testavimo softas neranda nieko blogo apie tas particijas...