Tema: Re: Port forwarding
Autorius: Vytas :)
Data: 2010-09-07 08:10:48
[ sntpc.ini ]
add name=ntp.broadband.o2.co.uk version=3
config poll=720 pollpresync=5
config state=enabled

[ xdsl.ini ]
debug traceconfig level=0
config adslmultimode=adsl2plus detect-lop=enabled syslog=disabled

[ cac.ini ]
config port=dsl0 state=enabled
config port=dsl1 state=enabled
config port=atm2 state=enabled
config port=aal5 state=disabled
config port=atm5 state=disabled
overbooking rt=0 nrt=0

[ language.ini ]
config language=en complete=no

[ script.ini ]
add name=autopvc_add_qos index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_qos index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_qos index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_delete_qos index=0 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_qos index=1 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_qos index=2 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp mac"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=7 command="eth bridge ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=8 command="eth bridge ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=9 command="eth bridge ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=0 command="eth bridge ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=1 command="eth bridge ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=2 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=3 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=4 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=5 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=6 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 ulp mac"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=7 command="eth ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=8 command="eth ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=9 command="ppp relay ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=0 command="ppp relay ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=1 command="eth ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=2 command="eth ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=3 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=4 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=5 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=6 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=8 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp ip"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=7 command="ip ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=8 command="ip ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=0 command="ip ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=1 command="ip ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=2 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=3 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=4 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=5 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=6 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp mac"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=7 command="eth ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=8 command="eth ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=9 command="ip ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_eth dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=10 command="ip ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=0 command="ip ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=1 command="ip ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=2 command="eth ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=3 command="eth ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=4 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=5 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=6 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=7 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=8 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=9 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp ppp"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=7 command="ppp ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=8 command="ppp ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=9 command="nat ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2 translation enabled"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=0 command="ppp ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=1 command="ppp ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=2 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=3 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=4 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=5 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=6 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp mac"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=7 command="eth ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=8 command="eth ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=9 command="ppp ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_eth dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=10 command="ppp ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=11 command="nat ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2 translation enabled"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=0 command="ppp ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=1 command="ppp ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=2 command="eth ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=3 command="eth ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=4 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=5 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=6 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=7 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=8 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=9 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_change_qos index=0 command="atm ifconfig intf $1 qos $2"
add name=wlbrintfadd index=0 command="eth bridge ifadd intf WL_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=wlbrintfadd index=1 command="eth bridge ifconfig intf WL_$1_$2 dest wl_ssid$1_$2"
add name=wlbrintfadd index=2 command="eth bridge ifattach intf WL_$1_$2"
add name=wlbrintfdel index=0 command="eth bridge ifdetach intf WL_$1_$2"
add name=wlbrintfdel index=1 command="eth bridge ifdelete intf WL_$1_$2"

[ env.ini ]
set var=CONF_REGION value=UK
set var=CONF_PROVIDER value=BEBB
set var=CONF_DESCRIPTION value="Routed IPoE on 0/101 with Static IP."
set var=CONF_SERVICE value="Static IP"
set var=HOST_SETUP value=auto
set var=UPGRADE_URL value=http://downloads.thomson.net/telecom/upgrade/upgrade.htm
set var=SEPARATOR value=.
set var=SSID1 value=Bebox${_WL0_SSID_POSTFIX}
set var=StaticWANIP value=
set var=StaticWANmask value=
set var=StaticWANgw value=
set var=DNS_serv1 value=
set var=DNS_serv2 value=
set var=ST_SYS_USERNAME value=Administrator
set var=CONF_TEMPLATE value=static.tpl.gz
set var=CONF_USR_COMMENT value="Configuration created by Embedded Wizard (profile:/dl/user.tpl)"
set var=COLUMNS value=80
set var=ROWS value=24
set var=SESSIONTIMEOUT value=120
set var=CONF_DATE value="Configuration modified manually"
set var=ACS_URL value=http://acs.bethere.co.uk:7547/ACS-server/ACS
set var=CONF_TPVERSION value=2.0.0

[ wizard.ini ]
def var=IP type=grp desc="If you chose the static IP option when you ordered Be Broadband, you need to enter some details below. We sent you this information when you signed up." alias="Be Broadband