Tema: What if you were just .0005% successful
Autorius: allxclubfromoc@gmail.com
Data: 2009-06-07 01:20:46
In baseball, if you get a hit 30% of the time  you're an All-Star.
In online direct marketing, if you convert 1% of your visitors - 
you can make big money.
But what if you only had to convert .0000005% to be successful?
What if you only needed 3 people out of 600 million prospects to 
get into profit?

When you join AllXClub, we put the odds in your favor!

600 million prospects and you only need 3 enrollments to be in profit.
Pretty good odds, huh?
And you don't even have to talk with your friends and 
neighbors (unless you want to).

If you haven't taken my tour, then you should.  There is so much 
great information, you might have missed our special business 
presentation called  'The Money Call'.

Check it out at http://www.allxclubpro.com/2284901/moneycall.htm for a
17 minute presentation.  (Don't worry it will keep your attention!)

Just click the 'Join Now' button after you're done watching 
then I'll show you how to find your first 3 people, just like 
I found you!

P.S. - If the phone is more convenient than the computer for you, 
we broadcast a special conference call for prospective business 
owners we call it the 'Money Call'. 
Simply Call: 888-317-5859

Here's my web site, in case you want to see it again 



Email me:  fromoctoroc@live.com
Visit my Website: http://www.allxclubpro.com/2284901