no response . Ne tik tau reikia kelio iki ano remote device, reikia kad ir tas matytu iki taves. Gal jis aplamai ruteriu nevirskina ir snekasi tik su LANu? Jei visgi yra ant jo toks daiktas kaip default gw, jis turi buti nustatytas i to tarpinio PC LAN kortos IP. "Dovydas" wrote in message news:r1gftt$uom$ Sveiki, yra poreikis per interneta pasiekti irengini, kuris prijungtas per ethernet prie pc, kuris per wifi jungiasi prie vidinio tinklo (gali but, kad ir viesas wifi ar pan) ir pasiekia interneta. dabar prisijungiu su teamviewer ir per to remote kompo ekrana jungiuose. taciau noriu jungtis tiesiai is savo kompo.. pabandziau ijungt ta teamviewer vpn. atsirado po vpn interfeisa kompuose. parasiau savo kompe route'a. bandant pingint i irengini remote pc wiresharke matau, kad ping ateina i ta vpn interfeisa, bet toliau neina (no response ar kaip ten paraso..). i to kompo ethernet interfeisa neateina (nematau wiresharke). is cmd pinginasi zinoma, bet neprasiroutina ir nzn kaip windowsuose tai padaryt.. firewallai abiejuose isjungti, abiejuose win10 paguglinus randu forumjuke kaip ijunt routinima windowsuose, bet nepaeina. Gal kokiu minciu? itariu, kad tas teamviewer vpn ne tam skirtas :) Go to Start and search on cmd or command. Right click on either cmd or command then select Run as administrator. At the command prompt type regedit. Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\Tcpip\Parameters\IPEnableRouter setting, right click and select Modify. Change 0 to 1 and exit the editor. When your back at the command prompt type services.msc and navigate to the Routing and Remote Access service. Right click and select Properties. Change to Automatic and click on Start to start the service.