Tema: Re: universalus skenerio driveris?
Autorius: Sigitas
Data: 2010-09-26 00:57:18
VueScan works with the Canon LiDE 80 on Windows and Mac OS X.

This scanner has an infrared lamp for scanning film. VueScan's 'Filter | 
Infrared clean' option can be used to remove dust spots from film scans. 
This is similar to (and we think better than) the ICE and FARE algorithms. 
It scans with visible light in the first pass and with infrared light in the 
second pass.

You need to install a Canon scanner driver to use this scanner on Windows 
and Mac OS X.

Note that the transparency adapter won't work on 64-bit Windows because 
VueScan uses the WIA interface with Windows x64 and WIA doesn't support 
transparency adapters.

"Sigitas" <sigbart@takas.lt> wrote in message 
> Lidei 80 NE...:( ant W7 64... tik ant 32bits
> "maruska" <spuntikas@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> news:i7lq4p$o44$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> o tai vuescan neveikia?
>> "Sigitas" <sigbart@takas.lt> wrote in message 
>> news:i7kcv1$aaf$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Pas mane Canon Lide 80, tai niekaip ant 64bit. Teko lygiagrečiai 
>>> instaliuoti W7 32 bit...:(
>>> Kai reikia skenuoti, tai užkraunu OS 32 bit.
>>> "[mikro]" <msn@microsoft.com> wrote in message 
>>> news:i7kapa$7uf$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> sveiki
>>>> buvo kazkada, bet nereikejo, tai neberandu, vienu zodziu yra senuciukas 
>>>> canon lide 30 skeneris, kuri reiketu priversti dirbti ant win 7 64 bit, 
>>>> drivu nera net ir vistai, kokia iseitis?
>>>> pamenu buvo sita tema diskutuota ir kazkas pasiulyta...