Tema: Re: Ar taip bus legalu?
Autorius: KEdas
Data: 2010-12-14 15:31:39
ALORA rašė:
> Lietuvoj ir Vokietijoj procedūra gali skirtis.

Negali, nes EULA yra ta pati visam pasauliui. :)

> Vokietijoje, jeigu
> keitimus atlieka įgaliota įmonė (parduodanti kompus su Windais), po
> remonto gauni perrinktą konpą su galiojančia Windoze. Aš nežinau, kaip
> jie tai atliko procedūriškai, bet mes už Windozę po remonto papildomai
> nemokėjome ir ji ten buvo įrašyta

Štai oficiali M$ pozicija apie XP OEM licenzijas:

Thank you for your post, Michael. Generally, you may upgrade or replace 
all of the hardware components on your customer's computer and the 
customer may maintain the license for the original Microsoft OEM 
operating system software, with the exception of an upgrade or 
replacement of the motherboard. Unless upgraded or replaced under 
warranty, if the motherboard is upgraded, then a new computer has been 
created and the license of new operating system software is required. 
The original Microsoft OEM operating system software cannot be 
transferred to another computer. Please visit 

for more information regarding used and refurbished computers. There is 
no difference between pre installed OEM operating system software and 
OEM operating system software acquired after the purchase of a PC. 
Regardless, the OEM operating system must remain with the device that 
retains the motherboard.   To activate Windows XP over the telephone, 
you can simply call a toll-free number displayed on your screen. A 
customer service representative will ask for the installation ID number 
displayed on the same screen, enter that number into a secure database, 
and return a confirmation ID to you. Once you have typed the 
confirmation ID, the activation process is complete. We hope this 
information has been helpful.  Please take a moment to review a 
comprehensive group of OEM Licensing Questions and Answers which are 
specific to you as a system builder at: 

Thank you,
The Microsoft OEM System Builder Licensing Team