Tema: Q: Kolegai atsiunte laiska, ka daryti ?
Autorius: Jalauz
Data: 2012-02-14 09:09:31
Svarbiausia imones vardu... Istrynem programa ar pakaks ? Niekad, neesu 
su tuom susidures ;) Kaloga viena kart pasileido pabande ir iskart gavo 


We noticed that you used the following pirate license key to illegally 
unlock Ace Translator into full version:

We have logged down the IP addresses and other solid proof.

Software theft is a serious crime. If you are caught with illegal 
software, you may be fined and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 
In fact, you may be liable under both civil and criminal law. Software 
copyright violators in Lithuania are fined up to 100,000 litai, or 
sentenced to jail for up to two years.

We hope you will take this matter seriously. You can acquire valid 
licenses now from the webpage below:


If you don't acquire a license within 7 days, we will turn over all 
evidence and documentation to a law enforcement agency for 
investigation, and sue you for violating copyright laws and software theft.

Thank you for your immediate attention.

Best Regards,
Dan Smith
