Tema: Re: Blokuojamas failu siuntimas
Autorius: Laimis
Data: 2013-08-24 14:09:14
BadRobot rašė:
> ir as itariu virusa, tik gal kas yra susidures ir jau zino konkreciai

Aš tai įtariu elementarų interneto saugumo zonos nustatymą ar nureguliavimą:

Method 1: Reset your Security settings for the Internet zone to the 
default level. Go to "Control Panel -> Internet Options" (or use "Start 
-> Run -> inetcpl.cpl -> OK" to open "Internet Properties") then click 
the Security tab, select the Internet zone and click "Default level"

Method 2: Set a custom level for security in the Internet zone. Go to 
"Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Security (tab) -> Internet" (as 
explained above). If security is set to "High", or if you have 
customized the Internet zone settings, select "Custom level..." and 
change the single option, "Launching Applications and Unsafe Files" from 
'Disable' to 'Prompt (recommended)'.