Tema: Q: softas dirbantis su ELM327 tipo deviceais
Autorius: Monas
Data: 2016-05-11 17:24:05
Pasidalinkit patirtim koki softa naudojat auto diagnostikai. Pas mane 
yra toks Elm327 Bluetooth adapteris. Kaip suprantu nemazai jis ten visko 
moka, tik reikia normalaus softo kad ji normaliai isnaudot. Ar kas nors 
susidure su tokiu klausimu?

Gamintojas giriasi taip mazdaug:
Bluetooth ELM327 is the newly developed wireless scan tool. It supports 
all OBD-II protocols
Automatic with SAE J1850 PWM (41.6Kbaud) / SAE J1850 VPW (10.4Kbaud) / 
ISO9141-2(5 baud init,10.4Kbaud) / ISO14230-4 KWP (5 baud init, 
10.4Kbaud) / ISO14230-4 KWP (fast init, 10.4Kbaud) / ISO15765-4 CAN 
(11bit ID, 500Kbaud) / ISO15765-4 CAN (29bit ID, 500Kbaud) / ISO15765-4 
CAN (11bit ID, 250Kbaud) / ISO15765-4 CAN (29bit ID, 250Kbaud) / SAE 
J1939 CAN (29bit ID, 250Kbaud) / USER1 CAN (11bit ID, 125Kbaud) / USER2 
CAN (11 bit ID, 50Kbaud)
Read diagnostic trouble codes (both generic and manufacturer-specific), 
and display their meaning (over 3000 generic code definitions in the 
Support software: Palm /PDA, Windows PC, Windows smart phone
Support SAE J1850
Support CAN cable
Clear trouble codes and turn off the MIL ("Check Engine" light)
Display current sensor data, including: Engine RPM / Calculated Load 
Value / Coolant Temperature / Fuel System