On 2017.04.20 23:04, Jonas Jonaitis wrote: > Kaip neoficialiai, teisingai aktyvuoti win10? > > Ačiū. :) Yra dar toks 100% legalus būdas (jeigu tarkime norim ramia sąžine BG į akis pažiūrėti): https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/you-can-activate-windows-10-creators-update-with-old-windows-license-keys/ "All they have to do is install a fresh copy of the Windows 10 Creators Update, enter their old license key, and enjoy their new OS." O iš kur gauti Old key, tai: "Users buy cheap Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 licenses from various online stores, usually ranging between $10 and $40, instead of the more pricey Windows 10 product keys that can vary in price between $119 and $199."