Tema: Re: Windows live mail nebeleidzia postinti?
Autorius: Rauberis
Data: 2020-09-03 10:46:11
Dabar bandau postinti is Mozillos.
Kai Mozilloje spaudziu sent, praso user name ir pasword. Suvedziua bele 
ka - tik tada atsirado postas.. Any comments?


On 2020-09-03 10:38, Rauberis wrote:
> Sveiki, as pats asmeniskai nieko nekeiciau ant savo PC. Nebent istaigos 
> IT kokie sprendimai? Kas cia galetu buti?
> Aciu
> Rauberis
> Unable to send or receive messages for the news.omnitel.net account. 
> Windows Live Mail could not post your message.
> Subject 'Q.: ar yra antrine LED/LCD TV rinka ir kaip nustatomos ju kainos?'
> Server Error: 480
> Server Response: 480 Posting not allowed
> Server: 'news.omnitel.net'
> Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCCA9
> Protocol: NNTP
> Port: 119
> Secure(SSL): No