kraunantis pc pries isiloginant i winxp ismela lentele "This copy of Windows must be activated with Microsoft before you can log on. Do you want to activate Windows now?" spaudziu mygtuka yes, prisilogina i win ir atsidariusiame windows activation lange raso, your windows is already activated ir ok mygtukas, spaudziu ok, tadu issilogina ir vel gryzta prie pirmos lenteles. Inete radau kaip sita sutvarkyt : ---------------------------------------------- I had the same problem and i searched for days for a solution thats how i can upon this forum, i tried all the suggested fixes to no avail. Then i thought i would sysprep as it clears SID's. To run sys prep what i had to do was: 1.) log onto the PC using safemode with command prompt. 2.) type in explorer in the command prompt. 3.) in my computer explore windows cd and copy the TOOLS folder to c:\ 4.) in the tools folder there is a right click on it and select EXTRACT TO and extract it to the tools folder. (this will create a new folder called deploy). 5.) open the deploy folder and run sysprep. 6.) select factory seal. The pc will shut down once this is completed. 7.) when the PC shuts down start it back up in normal mode. Once it has started up reboot the PC. _________________________________________ bet dabar raso 30 days left to activate windows, bandziau naujausia linkomanijoj esanty windows genuine tools'a -> nepadejo, inete radau pora activation crack'eriu irgi nepavyko. Kaip numusht ta aktyvacija?