Tema: Re: Vista SP2
Autorius: RmG
Data: 2008-10-26 16:58:23
"It's expected that SP2 will include Windows Search 4, along with Bluetooth wireless support (including latest BT 2.1 fixes), support for the new VIA 64-bit CPU and additional application compatibility updates.

Early feedback from testers noted "Vista feels faster now!" and "it feels good so far...stable and all".

Kol kas ziniu tiek, daugiau atskleisti Microsoft turetu lapkricio menesi, per kazkokia konferencija...

"Zyza" <maskatuoklis@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:ge1pmt$rtp$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Kas girdet ? Kokie bus pakeitimai ?