Tema: Re: Ar ymanoma paðtà siûsti su uþdelsimø?
Autorius: drone <drone[@]hive.lt>
Data: 2008-12-24 10:09:44
On 2008.12.22 10:39, Vytook's wrote:
> iðsiunti ðiandien, o gauna nustatytu laiku


What the heck is this now?
here's the story:
two fellas started this here site so that you could write yourself a 
letter to be delivered at a later date. we've all had to do them in high 
school and college. it's sorta cool to receive a letter from yourself 
about where you thought you'd be a year (two years? more?) later. 
FutureMe.org is based on the principle that memories are less accurate 
than emails. we strive for accuracy.