Tema: Re: windows7
Autorius: sigitas
Data: 2009-07-26 20:17:10
Gal iš čia bus naudos:

This is written on the Ukrainian site where the whole DVD can be downloaded. 
(64 and 32 bit and Russian language packs):

What happens if you do not activate?
By the end of the probationary period, the system remains fully operational, 
except for the naked-screen at boot and vilification desktop (wallpaper, you 
can revert back).

Method of extending the probationary period
1. Push Start
2. In the "Start" write cmd
3. Click the right mouse button on the "cmd" and select the Run on behalf of 
the Administrator
4. In the window that appears (black) write slmgr / rearm - this team and 
give us 30 days халявы
5. Message waiting on the successful completion ...
6. You have 30 days trial period

Operation must be done at the end of trial period! when you have 1-2 days to 
activate the OS.
 If desired, the scheme could be automated by adding a monthly task in Task 
Scheduler that looks like this:
* Start
* All programs
* Standard
* Service
* Task Scheduler
Then create a task on behalf of the administrator indicating compliance with 
the permit.
On a date. As the task can hang Sweater or any of these lines:
sysprep / generalize
rundll32 slc.dll, SLReArmWindows
slmgr / rearm

PS Normal, constant, type of activation, there is currently no"

"PxYra" <nera@nebus.net> wrote in message 
> taigi cia tie raktai buvo RC versijai
> "Silly" <no@spam.org> wrote in message 
> news:h4hnc5$t1v$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/get/download.aspx
>> gausi legalu rakta ir veiks metus laiko. kame parkes?
>> "Nerijus" <alwaysforcemajeure@gmail.com> wrote in message 
>> news:op.uxoaonnhxa6dow@nerijus-pc...
>>> Kas galetu pagelbeti kad atnaujinus suinstaliavus windows 7 veiktu 
>>> daugiau
>>> nei 30 dienu.koki key rasyti?
>>> kairevicius eta gmail.com
>>> Aciu
>>> -- 
>>> Pažangi „Operos“ el. pašto programa: http://www.opera.com/mail/