Tema: Re: ruosiuos isbandyt win7,kuriuos instalint?32 ar 64 bit?
Autorius: mumumčik zergatronas
Data: 2010-02-06 21:36:28
ka tik susiduriau su viena problema, kuri kai ka gali atbaidyti nuo
64bit win7:
jei instaliuosit is CD, kuriame rasoma: 32bit ir 64bit - tai is sito DVD
NEGALIMA upgreidinti 64bit sistema i 64bit.. t.y. jei kas nutiks su
64bit sistema - "upgreidinis" taisymas nepavyks..
"if the media contains both 32-bit and 64-bit on the same DVD (there are
a few programs like MSDN that may ship media like this), what happens is
that you are running a 32-bit setup.exe.
32-bit setup.exe can install either 32-bit Windows or 64-bit Windows but
32-bit setup.exe cannot do an upgrade of a 64-bit OS.
The only way this media can be generated with both platforms is to use
32-bit setup.exe ( you cannot run a 64-bit setup.exe on 32-bit copy of
Since you are running inside 64-bit Windows you are getting the message
about the upgrade from 64-bit to 32-bit is not supported.
Andrius V. rašė:
> procas atrodo kad 32 bit dual core,turiu 4gb ram(kiek zinau 32bit nematys
> tiek) ar pajausiu skirtuma del situ versiju kazkuom ar ne?