Tema: ALPHONSO LINGIS. Bendra kalba, paskiri balsai
Autorius: ivs :)
Data: 2010-02-14 00:54:49

„Per tūkstančius metų žmogaus protas nesukūrė nieko, išskyrus
klaidas“, – rašė Nietzsche. tai nesisitebiu, kad ezerui ir totui
sudas sudziausias. na, o varna, kaip visada, net neskaite. sloguciui gerai
patare eee - buna zmoniu, kurie nesupranta, jeigu pasakyta aiskiai ir
paprastai, jiems butinai reikia susukti su kruva tarptautiniu zodziu.Well,
let's see. The Confusionist, Desiccated Scholar is one who studies
Knowledge for the sake of Knowledge, and who keeps what he learns to
himself or to his own small group, writing pompous and pretentious papers
that no one else can understand, rather than working for the enlightenment
of others.
The importatnt thing is, we don't really need to know. We don'tneed to
imitate Nearsighted Science, which peers at the world through an electron
microscope, looking for answers it will never find and coming up with more
questions instead. We don'tneed to play Abstarct Philosopher, asking
unnecessary questions and coming up with meaningless answers. What we need
to do is recognize Inner Nature and work with Things As They Are. When we
don't, we get into trouble.Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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