Autorius: išrinktųjų planas ateities bažnyčioms
Data: 2012-02-20 11:40:02

And herein the Jews exhibit a wiliness that marks them as true children of
their father, who was, after all, an angel of light. For when they devised
the cult of Interfaith, for the purpose of subverting the Church, the Jews
did not set as its goal the condemnation of Talmud-burning or
ghetto-building or other such apparent vexations of the Catholic past.
Instead, they leveled their guns at a seemingly harmless, seemingly
irrelevant principle of theology. Yet this principle is the bedrock upon
which the entire structure of the Faith is laid: the dogma that the Church
is the one divinely established way leading to eternal life.

Any participation in Interfaith involves a tacit but clear denial of this
belief in the Church’s singularity. It involves the assumption that there
exists a supreme, transcendent “Religion” with three aspects,
Catholicism, Protestantism, and Judaism, which are all three on a par, both
naturally and supernaturally. Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, as dean of New
York’s Jewish Theological Seminary, states the Jewish position with
gratifying forthrightness. The very first obstacle in the way of
“intergroup goodwill,” says the Rabbi, is the mistaken belief that,
“There can be only one true method of salvation for all human beings,
regardless of their group affiliations.” Driving this point home, Kaplan
then continues, “As the United Nations should call for the surrender of
absoluteness in national sovereignty, so should the World Parliament of
Religions call for the renunciation by every religious communion of any
claim to exclusive possession of salvation.”

The following resume of Church teaching will indicate just how thoroughly
Catholics are committed to this doctrine of one-way-to-heaven, which Jewish
Interfaith is so determined to destroy.

Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/lmenas/?st_id=19301