Kamel Ben Salem Department of Computer Science - Faculty of Sciences of TunisUniversity, Tunisia, kamel.bensalem@fst.rnu.tn In this paper, we analyse the Qur’an description of phenomena linked to the evolution of the solar system in the light of our present knowledge. The Qur’an specifies that towards the end of its life, the Sun will start to swell. The consequences of this swelling are the following: the sky will turn red and will look like a scarlet rose; light intensity will increase and it will not be possible to observe the stars from the surface of the Earth. The Qur’an also specifies that the Sun will get closer to the Moon (that is to the Earth). The Moon will be destabilized by the Sun; it will be rent and will ultimately fall onto the Earth. Moreover, the orbits of the solar system planets will be modified. As for our planet Earth, it will witness an overheating and boiling of both seas and oceans and an expansion of waters, a disintegration of mountains, expansion of Earth crust... The Qur’an also indicates that the Earth will survive in spite of these cataclysms. Speaking of the future of the solar system and Earth from a religious point of view may seem a bit peculiar. However, it may be very instructive to study how religions spoke of the end of life. If we consider the Muslim faith, the Qur’an is bursting of interesting statements that deserve to hold our attention for they may enlighten our knowledge on the above astronomy topic. Indeed, the Qur’an affirmates that The creation of the heavens and of the Earth is verily more grandiose than the creation of Man (40:57). © 2006 Springer. 437 V. Burdyuzha (ed.), The Future of Life and the Future of Our Civilization, 437–453. The Future of Solar System and Earth from Religious Point of View Foreword: Qur’an & Astronomy “ ” -- Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/satenai/?st_id=16702