Tema: Re: 'compound path' problema
Autorius: tranzoo
Data: 2011-10-27 11:12:33
panasu, kad issiaiskinau:

Nonzero winding fill rule Uses mathematical equations to determine if a 
point is outside or inside a shape. Illustrator uses the nonzero winding 
rule as the default rule.

Even-odd fill rule Uses mathematical equations to determine if a point is 
outside or inside a shape. This rule is the more predictable rule because 
every other region within an even-odd compound path is a hole, regardless of 
path direction. Some applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, use the even-odd 
rule by default, so compound paths imported from these applications will use 
the even-odd rule.

dabar belieka padaryt taip. kad Even-odd fill rule suprastu ir ripas...
