Tema: Re: reikia informacijos del Corel X6 fontu
Autorius: Petka
Data: 2013-04-05 14:38:01
Nu i naxer...

On 2013-04-05 10:25, pic wrote:
> uzkniso ir issigooglinau.
> 1. paprastai - dedam per visa peidza balta kvadrata apacioj.
> 2. sudetingiau:
>     Select the "document grid" layer
>     Bring up the VBA editor (Tools->Macros->Macro Editor...)
>     In VBA show the "Immediate Window" (View->Immediate Window)
>     In the Immediate window type "ActiveLayer.Printable = False" and
> press enter
> Now, in CorelDRAW, the layer should no longer be marked as printable
> 3. dar vienas su vba
> it would be nice to have a vba macro to fix this on all pages. Is this
> something you can put together in a few mins?
> Actually the grid layer is a master layer, so you only need to set it
> once per document, it will apply to all pages (I should have realized
> this in my last post).
> Public Sub MakeGridLayerNonPrintable()
>     ActiveDocument.MasterPage.GridLayer.Printable = False
> End Sub
> end of story.
> "pic"  parašė naujienų news:kjlrqm$e6j$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> as pvz nerandu kur nujamti gridus ir guidus, kai exportina y pdf.
> ir svarbiausia, vienuose pdf jie atsiranda, kituose - ne. vienuose rgb,
> kituose - cmykiniai ble.