Tema: Padėkit sujungti :)
Autorius: Virginijus
Data: 2012-04-07 23:03:33
Padėkit sujungti :)
Atrodo suprantu visus žodžius, bet kaip sujungti reziztoriu su 
kondensatorium nesuprantu... Gal kas galit paaiškinti lietuviškai arba 

But if in your application the MaxSonar®-EZ1™ analog voltage output has 
noise, there is an easy way to remove the noise on the analog voltage 
output.  Place a 0.1uF capacitor near/at your analog to digital pin directly 
to your ground.  Next place a 10K ohm resistor in series with the analog 
voltage output from the MaxSonar®-EZ1™ to the 0.1uF capacitor.