Tema: Re: Q: Magnetai. True/False?
Autorius: Shlipsas
Data: 2012-08-09 17:14:20
va dekui :) argumentuotai ir efektingai paaishkinta :)


865920307 / Vilnius
Subaru Impreza 2,0L '96

"jedas" <stgedas_trinti@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Radau gera citata:
> More modern forms of portable memory, such as SD memory cards and USB 
> flash drives, do not have magnetic films to record data like their 
> floppy-disk forefathers did. As a result, they are immune to interference 
> from external household magnets. "A magnet powerful enough to disturb the 
> electrons in flash would be powerful enough to suck the iron out of your 
> blood cells," said Bill Frank, executive director of the CompactFlash 
> Association.