2012.08.22 16:21, jedas rašė: > Wiki sako kad galima jeigu teisingai viduj sujungta. Panaudoja atskiru poru > laidus. > > This permits its use not only with 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX, which use only > two of the four pairs in the cable, but also with 1000BASE-T (gigabit > Ethernet), which uses all four pairs for data transmission. This is possible > because all versions of Ethernet over twisted pair cable specify > differential data transmission over each pair with transformer coupling; the > DC supply and load connections can be made to the transformer center-taps at > each end. Each pair thus operates in common mode as one side of the DC > supply, so two pairs are required to complete the circuit. bet tokiu atveju PoE atskiriama ant skiriamųjų trafų. Todėl arba įstatai PoE dalį į įrenginį ( jep - pjaustymas, litavimas), arba injektorius bus brangesnis, net skiriamieji trafai turės būti įmontuoti jame. -- ejs