Tema: Re: Garso kova su kaimynais: reik patarimo
Autorius: scut
Data: 2012-10-10 21:29:34
va orig postas siule shita kombinacija:

I know the HAM types are going to hate me for this, so please sell the 
equipment you use for less than the purchase price to someone who will use 
it properly when you are done :)

Specific instructions:

    Buy any SSB transmitter (SSB is a type of AM transmission). No reason to 
go with CB as it's power limited and therefore is difficult to find high 
power equipment for. A 10 meter transmitter would be ideal.

    Here's one on amazon: 

    Buy a matching power amp (10 meter wavelength, AKA HF), as large as you 
can find. Here are some listings on ebay, starting at around 120 bucks for a 
worthwhile unit. The legal limit in the US is 1500w, so thats the highest 
you can likely buy.


    Antenna, I suggest a loaded coil vertical for 10 meter (could be 
hundreds of dollars) as this will be the most compact short of a dummy load 
(which may or may not work for our purposes). This will likely be branded as 
a mobile model. Otherwise, learn how to string a horizontal dipole, this 
will cost less than $50.

    Tone generator can probably be replaced by a laptop or ipod with samples 
at different frequencies. You'll need to get an adapter to plug your radio 
into your laptop or ipod. You'll also want a choke on the line between the 
receiver and source, as well as some sort of shielding for the laptop from 
the antenna.

"scut" <fakju@[SITA.TRINTI]centras.lt> wrote in message 
> Sveiki,
> Gyvenu bute, kurio prasta garso izoliacija. Apacioj gyvena fruktas,
> kuriam viskas iki lemputes, ir leidzia daug boso ir garsiai, ir velai.
> Daugkartinis ir grazus kalbejimas su juo nepadejo, policija
> taip pat (gyvenu ne LT), o teisminis kelias labai ilgas ir miglotas.
> Kriminaliniais dalykais ale duot i snuki supyzdint etc. neuzsiimu,
> t.p. nenoriu uzsiimt svetimo turto niokojimu. Maitint jy jo shudu
> (t.y. paciam isigyt kw aparaturas ir duot atgal) atrodo kvaila,
> kentesi pats ir nekalti kaimynai.
> Zodziu, yra dalykas, kuri rekomenduoja keliuose forumuose -
> SSB radio siustuvas (ale 
> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/INTEK-HR-5500-28MHz-AM-FM-SSB-CW-40W-MOBILE-TRANSCEIVER-/300719169909?pt=UK_ConsumerElectronics_SpecialistRadioEquipment_SM&hash=item4604426175)
> atitinkamas stiprintuvas, antena (loaded coil vertical) ir garso saltinis.
> Tikslas - esant reikalui paleist koki shuda per jo sistema (itariu
> pas jy yra pora koloneliu ar koks subas ir stiprekas. Greiciausiai
> koks shipotrebas).
> Su elektronika mazai ka turiu bendro, todel liaudies norejau patarimo
> paklaust - veiktu toks dalykas ar ne? Jei taip, kokio galingumo
> mazdaug reiktu stiprintuvo? Perdangos nera gelzbetonines (speju medis
> su tinko uzpilu), jo aparatura - tiesiai po mano kambariu, 3m zemyn;
> taip pat galeciau bandyt nukreipt antena per langa. Kaimynas bydlo,
> nesusigaudys.
> Dekui is anksto uz pagelba!